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Compliance with Quadpro

Compliance is one of the most important tasks to manage within your organisation. Managing Compliance can often seem like an arduous task and with Quadpro, it can be made much easier.

Compliance has a wide ranging definition, it can apply to your Fire Safety Assets, Assisted Lifts, Asbestos Management, Pre-Work Assessments, Property Integrity and much much more. 

At Quadpro, we realised the need to manage this feature was vital for estates management teams. We have created three sections that combine to form a powerful Compliance Module.

These three sections consist of Forms, Assets and Property - all ensuring the most important Compliance related issues are closely monitored.

What Compliances can I manage with Quadpro?

Within Quadpro, you can already manage your Property & Asset data in their respective modules. This can be either through Reactive Maintenance or regular Planned Maintenance. Quadpro provides numerous options for you to utilise with Compliance. These are listed as follows:

Planned Asset Maintenance

Planned Property Maintenance

General Compliance

Routine Safety Checks

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Asset Maintenance

As an organisation, you will more than likely have hundreds - sometimes thousands of assets. Quadpro not only helps you schedule crucial maintenance routines for each of these - but also provides a robust workload management system where you can manage everything from a simple service to a full replacement. Every action taken in relation to an Asset Maintenance routine is then updated, stored and marked in your system.

Property Maintenance

Property is affected by various rules, regulations and compliances, and keeping on top of them can be difficult. We often see numerous types of spreadsheets used to maintain each one. However utilising our Property and Compliance module, all of this can be done in a central area of Quadpro.

Brick Buildings
Person In Safety Gear On Construction Site

Quadpro Forms

Quadpro Forms is our latest additional module on offer. This powerful feature allows you to create custom forms which can be used in vital checks for everything from Fire Safety, routine Legionella testing and even one-off checks before your colleagues begin work in a hazardous environment.

Utilising our RAG (RED, AMBER GREEN) marker system, Forms helps you prepare for those important mandatory checks that ensure your site is safe for everyone that visits.

This feature of compliance seamlessly ties in with our Job Request module, giving you the the fantastic option of scheduling each check to appear in your operative's workload as and when it is required.

How do I prepare for Compliance?


Planning in advance for any compliance related task is crucial in not only ensuring that they are compliant, but can protect against unexpected and costly repairs or help prepare for replacements. Setting up maintenance profiles for each compliance related task leads to better resource utilisation as operatives can plan workloads more efficiently.

Asset Maintenance & Compliance

Quadpro utilises a simple record database feature for assets. You can set up any item as an asset  - such as a fire alarm. All relative information to that asset including user manuals and warranty documents can then be stored securely within that record.

The Process is very simple, and can be set up to run the entire life cycle of an asset. 

Create Asset

Create and Configure Asset Maintenance Records

Action as they appear in your system as Job Requests

Once these records have been set up, they can be actioned at their scheduled times by their relevant operative. All results are stored on the system and you can then prepare to deal with the next task at hand.

How Can I see What needs to be actioned?

Quadpro ensures that you do not miss a compliance due date, whether it is for an asset servicing task, or a Health and Safety inspection on your offices. Utilising the RED, AMBER & GREEN marker system, you can easily identify those records that are approaching their due date, those that are overdue and also see your up to date records.

Does Quadpro offer any reporting capabilities for Compliance?

The Quadpro system provides detailed speadsheet exports of your Compliance records. These can be handily integrated with your own reporting processes and even shared with any third party companies you collaborate with.

This data can also be displayed on a handy compliance dashboard where you can see any record at a glance and ensure nothing is missed.

Can I Import Existing Compliance Data?

If you have existing data stored in excel or other table formats, we can help convert this information into Quadpro, ready for you to utilise in either the Asset or Forms modules.

Contact us for a Demo of the Quadpro System

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