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Quadpro Updates



  • Auto log to the Quick View and Web Portal from the desktop system

  • Updated dialog when choosing operative in a job request.

  • Optional feature - display resource name against the operative in the operative dialog.

  • Optional feature - turn off budget alert on works orders.

Quadpro V5.22 Update November 2023

Web Portal:


  • New feature - allow all operatives in the same resource/team to see all jobs allocated to each operative. Operative not assigned to the job, can press the Take Job button in the job details to assign the job to themselves.

Quadpro V5.21 Update July 2023


Client Fixes:

  • General bug fixes

  • Building list has name search field -  You can now search for specific buildings via name in the Building Module

  • Issued Marker added to Home Screen Job Requests list.

  • Preference Form - To bring this in line with the rest of the system changes, the Preference form has been updated and reconfigured to include new additions and settings requirements. 

Web Portal Fixes:

  • General bug fixes

  • Single Sign On (SSO) has been added to the Web Portal and Client systems. This is an additional paid feature for access instead of usual email and password sign in.

  • Contact number added to tickets. Contact Number of the requestor is shown in the Job Request record and can be used to contact them if necessary. This is optional and can be activated if required.

  • Access Arrangements - Requestors and Operatives can now arrange access to complete their requests. Times can be arranged if needed. This is an optional feature

  • User Guides - Web Portal user guides can now be accessed via the help button on all Web Portal user accounts.​

  • Email Domain Validation - We have introduced an extra layer of security for Quadpro to avoid any spam or rogue user registrations. We can whitelist a specific set of domain addresses such as and only users with this domain in their email can create accounts on Quadpro. This feature is entirely optional.

  • Job Reference Search Field (Mobile) - Operatives can now search for specific reference numbers on their mobile device.

  • Need Another Visit (NAV) field - if the Job Request needs more work or a second opinion, use this field to highlight it for the management team.

  • Various UI Improvements


New Modules:

  • Works Order Email Module - Send Works Orders by email direct to a supplier. This functionality requires the installation of an add-on module.

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Quadpro Module Information

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Quadpro V5.16 Update July 2022


Client Fixes:

  • General bug fixes

  • Sage Export Fix - Existing works orders were appearing in the export file. This has now been fixed in the update to avoid future occurrences.

  • Service Provider Area - We have revamped and improved the service provider area on Quadpro to provide a better user experience.

  • Web User Management Area - The web user accounts have been relocated to their own separate location on the system to provide quicker access.

Web Portal Fixes:

  • General bug fixes

  • Error messages have been tidied up.

  • The job list is now ordered by call ref in descending order by default. (i.e newest ticket first)

  • The job list can be ordered by priority in ascending order.

  • User Interface improvements and updates

  • Job list- date columns have been reformatted which allows the column to sort correctly.

New Modules:

  • Quadpro Stock

  • Quadpro Multi - Operative

  • Quadpro Invoice Module

Download Brochures here -

Quadpro Module Information


Quadpro V5.11 Update 08/12/2021

  • Quadpro Forms added (New Additional Module) along with relevant Compliance configurations.

  • The Quadpro User Management area has been updated to provide a better interface. All relative user information is now stored in one tab per user as opposed to multiple tabs.

  • Where a photo is uploaded to a Job Request, a tickbox now denotes this in the main list.


  • Web Portal password policy has been updated and made more secure.

  • Stat marker for number of outstanding Job Requests now visible on the Web Portal.

  • Markers highlighting asset related Job Requests on the Web Portal.

  • New formatting applied to the Web Portal.

  • Action required field on the web portal can be updated until it is assigned to an operative.

  • Search field added to assets register.

  • Inside budgets there is now an unallocated field which details funds not yet assigned to a sub budget.

  • General bug fixes related to user experience.

Quadpro V5.09.04 Update 06/08/2021

  • Main Budget Fix: Ensures that the main budget is always displayed correctly when viewing sub budgets.

  • Works Order Sub Budget Fix: The filtering of a sub budget field has now been fixed when selecting from inside a Works Order.

  • The Team View & Managers stats now only apply to outstanding Job Requests.

  • Fixes have been applied to the Job Request print form along with a new and updated print layout. Please visit Print Form Update

  • Budgets that were cloned were not bringing over entered information. This has now been resolved to include all information entered.

  • Satisfaction reminder email - If a user has not submitted feedback they are reminded after two days of no activity.

  • A new filter has been added on the home screen allowing users to search for a specific Works Order ID number.

  • All Service Provider users can now be assigned web access, previously, previously this feature was only available to Job Request Originators.

  • Email filter error where users were unable to log in or receive emails due to this setting.

  • Password Security - To ensure a secure system, and peace of mind for IT departments, we have expanded security on our password areas. Passwords that are weak, will not be permitted use in Quadpro and a complex alternative will be required.

  • A loading dialog has been added to the desktop system when users log in.

  • Bug Fixes to improve user experience

Quadpro V5.09 Update 12/01/2021

      Web Portal - Manager Display

  • The dashboard page is now defaulted to show the latest 500 records To assist with the loading of pages on a variety of devices, we have limited the default number of records shown. This will improve the user experience when navigating through their job requests on mobile and desktop devices.

  • All records can be viewed by clicking the 'Show All' link, this link is not available in the mobile view. This change ties in with the above feature and offers Manager users the option to choose to see all records when viewing the portal on a desktop or laptop.

  • Sort by overdue filter has been added. For quick and easy identification of overdue Job Requests, Manager users can view overdue records in their overdue order at a click of a button.

  • Overdue and due today colour flags have been added. For assistance and easier identification, we have added red and amber flags to the Job Request record. 

       - Red = Overdue

       - Amber = Due Today

  • Priority colour has been applied to the fault description. We have added a priority colour to all descriptions that come under the top 3 priority statuses according to their order in the list.


      - Red = Order 1

      - Blue = Order 2

      - Green = Order 3

       Web Portal - Home Display

  • Unaccompanied Access field can be turned off for Web Portal and Desktop system. The unaccompanied access field can be turned on or off depending on your requirements. This can be actioned via the Quadpro desktop preferences.

  • Job Requests created from an asset now display the asset name and asset maintenance ID. Job Requests created from the Asset Maintenance module now include the asset details along with the asset maintenance id.

      Desktop System:

  • Unaccompanied Access field can be turned off for Web Portal and Desktop system. The unaccompanied access field can be turned on or off depending on your requirements. This can be actioned via the Quadpro desktop preferences.

  • Job Request form now displays the Action Taken drop down menu. When the action taken field is updated on the web portal this will now reflect on the desktop client record.

  • Job Request printing has been improved. If the action required or action taken field is more then 6 lines, an additional page will be printed displaying the full text entered

  • Job Request list columns have been amended. We have reordered the Job Request list fields to prioritise the most relevant fields.

  • Job Request and Work Order print reports have been improved. We have improved the Quadpro Job Request and Work Order/Work Order payment print reports. These now produce enhanced displays for each report.




Quadpro V5.08 Update 25/11/2020


  • Credit Payments can now be added after a Works Order is marked as completed.

  • Job Request print form now adjusts to print 1 or 2 pages depending on the amount of content added.

  • Compliance categories can now be turned on or off dependent on relevance.

       Desktop/ Web Portal Feature:

  • Photos uploaded on the Web Portal will now automatically import to the Job Request's folder.

Quadpro V5.07 Update 03/11/2020

       Desktop/Web Portal:

  • Password functionality on the client and web has been improved to allow longer and complex passwords to be used.


  • If a photograph is present with a Job Request, a small photograph icon will display on the record to make the user aware.

  • To speed up the process of completing Works Orders, when users add final payment, this automatically ticks the completed check box.

  • We added this feature to assist users when writing up large sections of text so information can be easier to read before saving/viewing.

       Web Portal Feature:

  • Requesters can now upload photos with their Job Requests and Manager, Operatives and Team Leaders can upload images where necessary.

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