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Web Asset Management Module

Assets form an integral part of your organisation, whether it is your air conditioning system, lifts or boilers, Quadpro can help you manage them all. Having an up-to-date and organised asset register helps you look after and manage your assets long-term safety and servicing requirements. As part of our series of Additional Features, the Web Asset module provides a flexible tool to manage your assets from any desktop PC.

People Working in Open Office

Full Asset Register

Import your entire catalogue of Assets into one easy to use Asset Register.

Startup Development Team

Short & Long Term Maintenance

Keep a firm eye on the short and long term maintenance requirements of your assets. Utilising our Automatic Job Requests, you can create, manage and log servicing data which is key in the smooth running of your assets.

Man Hands On Keyboard

Compliance Management

Assets often come with a range of safety requirements which can be a headache to manage. Utilising Quadpro's handy compliance module, you can mark assets as compliance-related to then create tailored maintenance profiles for ensuring they are kept in compliance with regulations.

Why use Web Assets?

Web Assets offers a much more flexible approach for you and your team to manage and maintain your crucial assets. Log in via the Web Portal and manage any asset in just a few clicks.

Detailed Asset Information

Each asset record details the history of that asset as well as any information relative to compliance and maintenance routines past, present and future.

Restricted Access

Only provide those with access who require it.

Mobile Functionality

We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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